We have two locations where we run after school and weekend lessons for complete beginners to Swim England Stages 1-10+
Prior Park College Bath & Saltford Primary School Saltford
Prior Park College
Ralph Allen Drive, Bath, BA2 5AH
View on Google Maps here.
Please enter via the lower ‘main’ entrance to Prior Park College on Ralph Allen Drive. This is a one-way system which runs parallel to the college buildings on the left, the swimming pool is a low level building at the very end of the college buildings. The road bears sharply round to the right and upwards to the Butts car park, where you should park.
Please note that Prior Park College have asked us to please not to park in the small bay on the left near the swimming pool as this is a drop-off and pick-up are only.
Once you have parked your car in the Buts car park, walk back down the steps to the pool. After your lesson follow the one way system and go out via the top exit.
Saltford Primary School
Saltford C of E Primary School,
Claverton Road, Saltford
BS31 3DW